Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Okay, I know that I haven't written in our family blog for months now!!!!! BUT, anyone who has had or does have dial up will hopefully be a little sympathetic with me! We have soooo much to share but so little patience to give!

Hopefully we will have a little faster connection in 8 1/2 months. A little bit of a catch up, Joseph turned 10 in Jan., Steve turned 34!!! in Feb. and Hyrum turned 8 yesterday!!! We have also had my mom here for a month and have had a great, busy last few months.

I am hoping to post some pictures in the next few weeks, but for now, if you would like to stay in touch, you can send us an email @ blanchardfamily@netscape.com ! Thanks for checking out our site.


Fletch said...

Thanks for the email address!

And, yeah, dial-up is the pits. We just got high speed a year ago. It makes all the difference.

I'll email you for you number sometime so we can chat.

Have a good day...Jenn.

Laura said...

Thanks for the update! I've been wondering how you guys were doing. :) How fun to have your mom visit for a whole month. I can't remember if you've already mentioned - is your plan to stay in CO when you finish with residency (or whatever it's called in orthodontic lingo)? :)

Allens, Inc. said...

Glad to see you're (sort of) up and running again. We were missing updates on the Blanchards. I get the dial-up issues--I tried a blog about 3 years ago, but because it took so long to do anything on it I gave up until we had high-speed. Much better (though now our computer is giving us guff!). Beautiful family picture, of course. Happy birthday to everyone, and we'll be waiting to see pictures of cute Lexi on your pink Princess bike!

The Hansons said...

Wow Ang, I had given up on your blog. I had no idea I was missing all these new posts. I love all the pics, especially being able to see how big my baby niece is getting. I can not wait to see you guys again. Wish we lived close to that BMX track. The boys would love that. And Chloe would also be right there next to Lexi, trying to keep up! Love you guys!