Thursday, March 12, 2009

This crash picture Joseph claims is authentic but I have my doubts!

Alright, so due to the woes of the dial-up I have agreed to use some of my "free-time" at school to update this blog for the family from time to time. I'm going to go ahead and go backwards a bit to post some of the fun photos we've taken the past 3-4 months. This first series shows "Wheel Park" in Aurora here. It's a big skate park that has a BMX dirt bike track. It's one of our favorite places in Denver. The boys and I have a blast there. We went there on President's Day and took Lexi and Angie too. Lexi was peddling around on her tiny 12" pink Disney Princess bike and going up and down the hills. She had a blast but I think we had even more fun watching her. Unfortunately we didn't take the camera that day so we'll have to get pics the next time. I did bring it this day with Joe and Hy. We had so much fun I even dusted off my old free-style Redline bike that I bought when I was 12 years old and we've been riding that around.

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