Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Golf ball Hail Storms

I'd always heard about "golf-size" hailstones, but kind of thought it was just an exagerration. Well we had quite the storm here Sunday, two tornadoes touched down near here and we had a hail storm that produced stones larger than golf balls. The above photo is Angie holding one of them from our yard. Luckily other than some fallen leaves, we had no real damage to any of our belongings. Our neighbors were not quite so lucky.
Here are the kids holding a few of the hailstones. You can imagine how these could do quite the damage.

This is the collection of hailstones the kids placed in the freezer.


Breely said...

WHOA!!!! That must have been quite the storm!!!! Thanks for the e-mail, I love to check you blog and see your cute family! It looks like you guys have had a lot of fun lately! We wish you the best!!!!

Allens, Inc. said...

Wowzers! We had hail in Texas that was alarmingly big, but nothing like that! That could cause some real bodily damage. Glad you all came out of it unscathed!

Lindasue said...

That's amazing!
Well hope to get out your way. Still trying to come up with a date amongst all the commitments with Young Mens and reunions.

Fletch said...

Yikes. Cool pictures, though.

The Hansons said...

Wow! Unbelievable! I am so glad that none of you got hit by one of those!